A Collaborative Open Research in Deep Learning

An Inclusive AI research community for all.

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Learn it, Apply it, Spread the World.

We are an inclusive open AI research platform empowering students and folks to learn and collaborate with each other in AI R&D. Here's what we do.

Open Source

We empower folks to contribute to different open source AI projects and engage with different other commmunities.

AI Research

We motivate the community to get engaged with core AI research, innovate newer things and document it and publish it.

What we do?

Check out the things we are involved in


We develop different research intensive projects, implement research papers and publish it in our official github repository.


Our community members write blogs about different ML/DL topics and publish in our blog website.

Reading groups

Members take tutorials, research paper reading / implementation sessions or show case their projects.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • This community is mainly about engaging folks from diverse technical background to come together and collaborate on different projects related to AI and Machine Learning.

  • You can learn anything related to AI in online for free. You can read research papers from top AI labs for free in arxiv. This is one of the best times to get started in AI research. But there's a caveat, good quality research always results from a group of people. It's hard to find a right partner for your research, especially when you're not from a research university. So our community helps you to find right colloborators for your research.

  • Yes Absolutely. Anyone who is interested to learn about AI and engage in different types of project are welcomed to this platform.

  • Yes. Members are allowed to collaborate on different competitions. It is not only limited to kaggle but other competitions too.

  • Yes. Our core members are currently engaged in different research projects that involves professors from different universities. So members gets an oppurtinuty to collaborate with them and hence getting national/international remote research opportunities.

  • Yes absolutely. Afterall this is a place where like minded people hang out.

  • The most important thing that you can get out of this community is Learning. You can also get to meet like-minded people, involve in doing high-quality research and publishing it, applying for patents with our help, and also getting referrals.

  • It helps, but not required when you're starting out. You can also learn the required math on the fly. It also depends on the research project that you're involved in, For eg., NLP research projects doesn't require much math but projects on Optimization algorithms require a great deal of math. We also have a #math-for-ml slack channel, where you can ask doubts, and find a person to discuss topics regarding math.

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